Support By Cloudconexon


Support By Cloudconexon

If You face any issue regarding our website, content or you just want to connect with us to share your problems and ask questions associates with our niche then, We have 5 support options for you :

1. Share your problem in our Contact form. [CLICK]

2. Contact US on email 

3. Ask your query Facebook messenger chat. 

4. DM us on Instagram. [CLICK]

5. Join our Facebook Group. [CLICK]

Note: One thing you Guys may have noticed is that our Website offers 2 email subscription options and 1 push notification button. Now If you are a subscriber then this may confuse you to choose which one. Well here is short information for you :

✅ The 1st email subscription form where you need to fill your email, Name and birthday is for those people who want to get informational and educational content, E-books and personalise mails from our side. We suggest you if you are really interested to get these kinds of stuff once every week then you can Subscribe to that.

✅ 2nd one here you just need to enter your email so that you get a notification whenever we publish a new piece of content on our website.

✅ The Last one is the push notification bell. If you want to get all notifications from our website without sharing your email or you are a person who doesn't like emails then this is the best option for you.

📌I hope these three small suggestions will help you to pick the best preference. And YES! if you want you can pick all three of them at the same time.😉